Face and Neck Lift

Health And Travel Turkey

Face and Neck Lift

Face and neck lift aesthetic applications are mostly associated with old age. used to improve the resulting effects. to aging Wrinkles and sagging that bother you in the face area depending on visible.

Especially after a certain age, these wrinkles and sagging it sits on your face. This situation usually occurs before the age of 40. observed in persons above it. In such cases the face and neck stretching aesthetic operations can be applied. face lift aesthetics The surgeries are generally for patients who are over the age of 40. is implemented.

These operations are limited to the facial area only. should not hold. Analysis in line with patients' needs and desires stage is passed and the neck region is also evaluated. neck skin sagging and even lubrication in the chin area remediation can be achieved.

Of course, for this, with expert surgeons process must be managed. Combined face and neck lift procedures be able to apply professionalism and expertise on many techniques requires. Our surgeons and teams serving you in our clinic They are experts with experience in all fields.

The surgery may vary between 3-5 hours depending on the procedure applied. The process and technique used here are of great importance. The results after facelift plastic surgery are permanent.

If patients lead their lives as directed by their doctors and This new look they gain if they are careful enough. They can protect them for the rest of their lives.

Face lift aesthetic surgeries, also called rhytidectomy With the experienced surgeons under the roof of MestCare, a large number of carried out by technique.

Which face are the current techniques for? Our doctors decide after the examination that it is more compatible and the treatment process begins.

Time required: 3-5 hours

Type of anesthesia:
local or general

Healing Process;
Back to Work: 10-15 days
Sport or strenuous activity: 2 weeks or more
6-8 weeks of sun protection
Last View: 1 month