Beard Transplantation

Health And Travel Turkey

Beard Transplantation

Beards are not equally available to all men.

Some men never While the beard and mustache is not visible, some men have a very dense beard and mustache. may be available. In some men, sparseness in beards in some areas it could be. In addition, as the mustache is not thick and the beard is very thick. some problems may occur. These and similar problems It emphasizes beard transplantation in people.

Planting in areas where there is no or very little hair in the beard area beardless condition can be eliminated or symmetrical conditions can be improved.

For this, a similar procedure to hair transplantation The hair roots taken from the hairy area are transferred to the beard area. is done. Just like in hair transplantation, in beard transplantation Professionalism and experience are very important because during beard transplantation There are also aspects to consider.

If these angles the result if the process is completed without paying enough attention may not satisfy the patient because it may not be a natural result. Beard hair follicles taken mostly from the nape area for planting is used.

Color and leathery are among the most frequently asked questions in beard transplantation. takes. However, these are not factors that affect beard transplantation.

none someone who does not have a beard or mustache also has a beard with the beard transplant method. can happen. In addition, being a blonde, brunette or auburn is also a beard. does not affect the cultivation process.

Performed in a single session The beard transplant procedure requires a meticulous surgical stage. For this reason, you can use this application professionally for a change in your face. It is recommended to have it done in clinics.

Specialist under the roof of our clinic We are successfully performing the beard transplant process with our staff.

Required time: The hour that changes according to the needs of the person with a single operation process is completed. The process takes place between 1-6 hours.

Anesthesia type:
Except for special cases, local anesthesia is applied.

Healing Process:
Back to work or school: Does not affect patients for returning to work or school, but The planting area must be protected.
Sports or strenuous activity: In the first period, the planting area is bad with sweating. After the washing process, sports activities may be affected. reversible.
Final appearance: Full results in 6 to 8 months, but short begins to take effect in a short time.