Breast Augmentation

Health And Travel Turkey

Breast Augmentation

Among all aesthetic operations and cosmetic surgery one of the most common applications in breast operations augmentation is an aesthetic operation.

Women of a fairly broad age group Patients apply to institutions for breast augmentation surgery. Because it is popular, many applied and aesthetic operations It is an aesthetic process that spreads more frequently among people.

Although the anatomical development of the breasts varies from person to person, at the age of 19-20 is being completed. All women who have completed this age range enlargement may be requested.

The main motivation in breast augmentation is satisfied with the current breast size. is not to be. In this case, breast augmentation surgery is preferred. as can be done; volume registration in the breast that comes with pregnancy, weight volume recording and asymmetrical breast in the breast that occur with the loss of The most frequently used breast augmentation measures within the scope of breast aesthetics. are among the reasons.

The effect of breasts on the perception of beauty Therefore, breasts have a different place in women's psychology. In order to increase women's self-confidence, that is, their self-confidence It is also known that she prefers breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation aesthetic surgery applications, placing implants and successfully through two different methods in the form of fat injection. being carried out. At this point, the team that will organize the operation and The materials to be used are of great importance. Because of aesthetic concerns an image that the person does not desire occurs in the procedure started If it is not desired and the transaction is permanent or long-term, it is requested. special attention should be paid to these issues.

We, together with our professional team and experienced surgeons, provide you with the most good FDI approved prostheses in our implant type applications we use.

Our FDI approved prostheses are available in drop and round forms. are of two types. Here is the person's availability of which variety to use. It is determined by the shape of the breast. Of course, these specialist doctors determined together with the examinations and analyzes to be carried out. Oil In the application of injection, fat is taken from the patient himself.

Areas of the body containing excess fat are preferred and the fat mass is removed from the body. More then the fat mass collected in the body is injected into the breast and the breast enlargement operation.

Which technique is used for breast augmentation aesthetic operation? It has become a successful practice. So there is nothing to be afraid of. In the first postoperative period It is normal to have mild pain.

In addition, another issue that would be worth mentioning is related to implant type operations. Implant type breast The issue that people are afraid of in augmentation operations is not being able to breastfeed. However, breast prostheses integrated into the breast do not enter the milk ducts. It does not harm in any way, so there is no problem for you to breastfeed. does not constitute.

Required time: 1-2 hours.

Type of anesthesia:

Healing Process:
Back to Work or School: 1 week
Sport or strenuous activity: 3-4 Weeks
Final Outlook: A few months, 1 year, sometimes more.